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The Bible College of Wales WAS NOT BIRTHED 

in what is known as "The Emerging Church" against which WE INTERCEDE

Jeremiah 1:10 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.

Preparing the Ground for Revival - J. Edwin Orr


Of this six-fold commission, four injunctions are destructive and only the latter two are constructive. "To build and to plant" surely a great work. But it had to be preceded by a rooting-out and a pulling-down, destruction and demolishing. Surely this sounds drastic! Yet it was very necessary, as the historical background shows. The Jewish kingdom had become overgrown with weeds, overbuilt with traditional superstructures. They had to go first. Some iconoclasm was necessary.


Some destruction was required. Let us look in the garden for a parable. We walked round a beautiful garden which occupied a former piece of waste land. The gardener showed us round. "Those are beautiful roses," we said to him. "I planted them," replied the gardener, with justified pride. "What a beautifully-cut hedge," we remarked next. "I trimmed that," he said. "Who is responsible for that lovely Sweet William border?" Again the gardener smiled and claimed the credit. We passed on, thinking to ourselves that this gardener had created a grand testimony to his skill in gardening. At the garden gate, we found an old fellow watching a smoking heap of refuse.


"What have you been doing?" "Working at the garden," he said. "Well, then, what have you to show for your labor?" "Nothing, Sir," he replied. "Then you cannot have been working!" We told him. "Sir," he asserted. "When we came here, this garden was a piece of waste land, overgrown with weeds, full of stones and sand, swampy in one corner, and pretty hopeless all round."


We got interested. "Well sir," he went on, "I broke up the land, and I destroyed the weeds, and dug out the stones, and carted away the sand, and it was my job to drain the swampy comer." We listened with growing appreciation. "I am saying nothing against the other fellow who planted the garden. He did his job well. But where would his planting come in if I hadn't first rooted out and destroyed the weeds?" Both men's labor was necessary, but the rooting out and destruction of weeds preceded the planting of flowers and shrubs. Let us remember the first work of rooting out the weeds and utterly destroying them. One of the great weaknesses of many forms of ministry today is the attempt to sow good seed among thorns.


The thorns generally continue springing up, and the seed is choked thereby, despite the good intention of the human sower. Seed sown in a prepared ground requires only the action of the elements to produce fruit in season. Seed sown by the wayside, or in stony places, or among thorns, will have its prospects of life severely threatened almost immediately. Likewise, changing the mode of illustration, a Christian who is in proper relationship with God is generally hungry for the great truths and affirmations of the Gospel. A constructive message is then not only desirable, but necessary. Good food, the finest of the cream of the wheat of the Gospel of Christ, is eagerly assimilated by the Christian who lives in harmony with God. Yet all Christians are not in proper relationship with their Lord.


The present obvious dearth of revival is largely due to the fact that the majority of Christians are out of touch with the source of Divine power. Even at conventions, the first work needed is to get things put right in the lives of those attending. To give a sick stomach an overdose of cream is to risk indigestion. Even a sick stomach prefers the taste of cream to the flavor of the bitter medicine. Still the bitter medicine is necessary, and it does not prevent the enjoying and digesting of good food afterwards-rather it creates the actual appetite of good health, which is quite distinct from the false cravings of indigestion. For instance, the glorious message of the position of every believer in Christ is a comfort to many souls. Yet it cannot bring much blessing to a stubborn Christian living in disobedience and conscious sin. He needs to act on the teaching of repentance and confession and cleansing FIRST, and then he may comfort himself with other truths.


I heard once of a church which had the cream of doctrine given within its walls, week in, week out. Judging from the quality of uplifting ministry given there, one would have expected to find the church members on the highest heavenly plane. But in this instance, they had a church quarrel which resulted in the bread and wine being spilled in a scuffle, and the police were called in to restore order. They obviously needed more than cream. Medicine was wanted badly. Positional truth cannot be profitably taught until conditional teaching has had its effect. Cast no pearls before swine. So great is this problem, that when the preacher strikes out against sin among believers and urges purity of life, critics cry "Introspection," and some insist that he is trying to divert the eyes of the people away from Christ towards self and shortcomings. It was my happy experience once, to speak at a great convention wellknown in England. It was arranged with the council members that if blessing came through in the degree hoped for, I would be at liberty to continue for double the time.


Beginning with destructive ministry, the Lord used His word to create deep conviction of heart. The place was thronged. Christians were stirred to confession and repentance, and many souls were saved. By contrast, I was speaking at another convention, not so far away. It was a convention of good standing. I felt led to speak first of the shortcoming of believers and the need of getting right before enjoying the good things of the feast. The next speakers seemed to doubt the worth of such a method, and their message seemed to be: "You are complete in Christ, so don't worry about these trifles. God accepts you in the Beloved, and you needn't mind." For days there was that cross- current of message. I believed with all my heart in the truth of their message, but I thought that the time was unripe for its application. With a burdened heart, I prayed for clear guidance regarding continuing my message.


The Lord put a text, a "new" text for me, into my heart, and I preached it. Before I preached it, a speaker dwelt on the glorious promises of God, promises meant for obedient children. Then followed my opportunity. "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God" (2 Cor. 7:1). It gave the connection at last, but we had no great revival. It drove home many truths to me. Let us comfort one another with the grand truths of our position in Christ. But let us not make excuse by saying that our "completeness" in Him permits us to wink at known sin.


NOVEMBER 2014 - Brian Mason Intercessor right outside the Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, California, USA


In the seat of the Emerging Church, Brian Mason with the mantle of Rees Howells is on a mission to rid the world of what has crept into the Church - the universalism of Karl Barth, the philosophies and business techniques of Aristotle & Drucker through Rick Warren, the extensive network of extravagant apostles through Wagner with their controls and manipulations and all of what relates to the Emerging Church.


With the Biblical command to repair the breach Brian Mason opens his heart against the higher critical legions of spirits that had dared to take over this once orthodox seminary under Charles Fuller who received the same word of the Lord to reach "every creature" as Rees Howells had received in UK.

NOVEMBER 2014 Intercession at "Saddleback Church"


Note - this video was recorded in the dark by a busy road outside Rick Warren's Saddleback "Church" ..... however the intercession is key in returning once great movements to orthodoxy.


"The Emerging Church" with its Purpose Driven Model created through Rick Warren & Associates using the philosophy of Aristotle and business techniques of Drucker has been hugely successful in taking over movement after movement, denomination after denomination and resource after resource that Rees Howells trained Intercessor Brian Mason was led to the gateway of Saddleback "Church" to pull all this down in the spirit to bring the conditions for the once great movements of God to return to orthodoxy.


Isaiah 58:11-12 King James Version (KJV) 11 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. 12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

NOVEMBER 2014: Intercession

at the San Diego Gateway to Morris Cerullo's


John 2:15 King James Version (KJV) And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;


With the "give to get" philosophy dominating the Emerging Church, Rees Howells trained Intercessor stands at the gate of Morris Cerullo's ministry exposing the payment for eldership schemes that emanate from here and all that which can be associated with the money changers in the Temple, there being clearly a link to Romanism in use of the term "Papa" - the equivalent of the separate priesthood that uses the term "Father" for its leaders!


The Spirit of God is truly at work here to bring the conditions for the Royal Priesthood of Believers to make a stand to support the sacrificial giving of early pioneers who founded ministries on sacrifice rather than greed - it truly is time to drive out the money changers and bring in God's glory.



On a cold wintry day in March Intercessor Brian Mason visits the former site of the Hospice of the Hospital of St John in Jerusalem at Ysbyty Ifan.


Interceding in the Spirit great breakthroughs occurred for those portraying the true Gospel worldwide.


The links to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Jerusalem are remarkable as are the links to the Knights of Malta and the Crusades, the link to the modern charismatic movement, the Emerging Church. Rick Joyner and all that has infiltrated in to steal movements from those portraying the true Protestant faith.



Opening his heart in intercession, Rees Howells trained Intercessor calls at the Apostolic Temple, Pen-y-Groes South Wales. His heart cries out for this denomination and its tenets that came out of the Welsh Revival just as the Bible College of Wales did.


But like the Bible College of Wales in Swansea, the Apostolic Movement of Wales has moved to new translations and all the trappings of the Charismatic World - but now all this will come out into the open and the cry of the Lord will return this movement back to its landmark. Such is the God given role of the Intercessor!



The British & Foreign Bible Society later to become the Bible Society has its roots in an isolated Welsh Valley at a village called LLANFIHANGEL Y PENNANT.


Here Mary Jones walked barefoot over the mountains to Bala so as to obtain a Bible from Rev Thomas Charles. From this passion came forth the Bible Society but since then a serious corruption has crept in, so serious that this society now works with the Vatican to not only promote the Alexandrian text above Textus Receptus - but to continually change the Word - a practice forbidden in scripture - THUS THIS POWERFUL INTERCESSION through Rees Howells trained Brian Mason.



BRIAN MASON INTERCESSOR - Having walked to Bala to obtain her Bible from Rev Thomas Charles, Mary Jones dedication to God's Word had brought the conditions for the founding of the British and Foreign Bible Society, now the Bible Society, a society that has seriously lost its way as it now promotes the satanic Bibles that came about through Westcott and Hort's revised version of 1881.


Thus this second part of intercession designed to expose the whole conspiracy.

17 09 16 ELIM'S CARDIFF CITY TEMPLE now with Alpha instead of FOURSQUARE GOSPEL!


With the embracing of the Alexandrian translations, the Alpha Course and Gnostic belief, Elim is a shadow of its former self, a former self that once embraced the teachings through George Jeffreys that had as its banner THE FOURSQUARE GOSPEL ....


Now intercession has taken place outside THE CITY TEMPLE CARDIFF in view of restoring the landmark the fathers have set and bring this movement back to this, rather than its present Emerging Church position.



Unseating the enemy of souls at a seat of Higher Criticism already exposed by the Assemblies of God in 1924; already exposed by David P Griffiths by his refusal to accept a Theology Degree offered by what is seen as an institution that has infiltrated and destroyed many a movement that has been sucked into the claws of what can only be viewed as an operation of decadence.



Brian Mason Intercessor stands outside a door through which many souls entered seeking deliverance through an "Apostle" of the International Coalition of Apostles. Deliverance School sessions were regular, souls came time after time but what was discovered was in our view a mish mash of spiritual horror.


It is for these victims we stand, victims not only here but all over the World as instead of the Biblical perspective of building up the saints to hear from God themselves, so many are under controlling "apostles" of a group birthed from Fuller Seminary.



Seemingly named after William of Orange this now defeated stronghold of Lucifer, beneath Great Britain's highest point has been for many years a township that has seen Christian fellowship after Christian fellowship try to get going with many Christians afraid even to go to certain Christian meetings on account they may be seen and seemingly rected for work opportunities etc.


Many report how oppressive the town is despite its scenic and highly popular location so the time came for this intercession through Rees Howells trained brian Mason to open the doors for God to move and bring healing to a township that certainly has needed it!

22 01 17 BRIAN MASON INTERCESSION outside Holyhead Elim


Holyhead Elim instead of proclaiming the Foursquare Gospel that came through its founder George Jeffreys, now fully embracing the Alexandrian scriptures of the higher critics, scriptures that downgrade Jesus to be "a son of the gods".


On a day touring institutions of the Emerging Church in North Wales, Brian Mason pulls down the idols of affliction having stood outside Fuller and Saddleback, now brings the intercession to Elim in North Wales.

22 01 17 BRIAN MASON INTERCESSION outside Bangor University


The corruption that comes from emphasizing philosophy above spirituality is well and truly exposed outside Bangor University near the Department of Philosophy and Religion.


Colossians 2:8 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.


A University that clearly follows the Alexandrian line of scripture, scripture that denies the deity of Christ Jesus is really exposed in this intercession to take the pressure of the true remnant Church who has been suffering for years as Alexandrian fellowships have stolen their members under a false lull of security only the enemy of souls can offer.

22 01 17 BRIAN MASON INTERCESSION outside Alive Church, Prestatyn


Philip Powell of the old Assemblies of God declared this: HAVING grown up as the son and nephew of British Assemblies of God pastors, [born 1939] and having entered the Assemblies of God ministry as a student-pastor [circa 1959 in Brisbane, Australia] and a credentialed AoG-UK minister [circa 1961], becoming General Secretary of The Australian Assemblies of God [1989-1992] after pastoring in Britain (16 years) and Australia (10 years), I and others found ourselves in a quagmire.


The original Assemblies of God had never been a denomination with a hierarchy. It was designed as a movement of autonomous local congregations held together by common doctrine and biblical practice with “One Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5). However things had changed and with the election of carnal ambitious men as part of the hierarchy, over the years, the emphasis had moved away from Bible based doctrine and holy living to pragmatism and a plethora of false teaching with inevitable consequences.


So Brian Mason conducted intercession outside a product of the new Assemblies of God, Prestatyn .

22 01 17 BRIAN MASON INTERCESSION outside "Sure Hope Church" OLD COLWYN


A seat of what has become known as "wildfire revivals" and visits to apparently "well dig" at seats of past revivals drew concern through Intercessor Brian Mason as he takes his stand in JESUS NAME, outside a building from where it has been understood many have left the fellowship.


Strong influences of the "Emerging Church" were discerned as indeed links to the Bible Society operation in Bala, a society intent on continuously changing scripture with the Vatican.



Brian Mason Intercessor outside a fellowship with a traditional AOG background but seriously affected by the higher critical training of Pastors, new translations and the Emerging Church - the doors are open wide now for the truth to come out, how infiltrations into once orthodox movements have been intent on destroying the original visions of founders.



Brian Mason Intercessor beside a well known operation of The Emerging Church binding people into frenzies of rock and disco lights; brainwashing with prosperity Gospel such is this unwanted import of Australia that attacks the Protestant Reformation of our nation. The culprit is found!



BRIAN MASON INTERCESSION AND THE EMERGING CHURCH DUDLEY Brian Mason Intercessor outside the ministry building of Trevor and Sharon Baker, a building entrenched in the "revival fires" of the Emerging Church. The Intercessor takes authority to bring condition to a worldwide end to this infiltration to return to the old fashioned revivals of the past - the revivals of Gal. 2v2



Matthew 24:24 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV) 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.


Brian Mason before the gate of what has been exposed as THE ANTICHRIST of the last days, so great, yet so pathetic a title that this simple Parish Church of Holy Trinity Brompton be transformed into being such a den of the occult that only deep intercession as here can set free even the very elect who have been persuaded by its Jezebels and Absaloms infiltrating and deceiving some of the greatest movements man has ever know. THE ANTICHRIST - YES but you say the ANTICHRIST WILL BE A PERSON! Correct but just as LOVE and the GOSPEL are a person - JESUS CHRIST so the deceiver of souls has his ANTI-GOSPEL as a person and it is the ALPHA - not the Alpha and Omega that is THE ANTICHRIST OF THE LAST DAYS!


Contact us to register for the Bible College of Wales - The original Vision COURSE on THE OTHER JESUS - to study how the Antichrist has operated at this five to midnight hour before JESUS COMES AGAIN!


2 Corinthians 11:4 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV) 4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.



Instead of upholding its spiritual heritage Oxford has become a hotbed of science and philosophy, the enemy of souls embracing this non-threatening environment for his Kingdom.


So when those of Asian background come in with spirituality, a backlash occurs particularly when one Asian grouping restores the Oxford Convention.


Now through Brian Mason intercession has taken place to restore the God given spirituality of Oxford, the heart of the martyrs and brought Asians to this city to bring back the Saviour. Jezebels have looked to bring down this call, now in Jesus Name the thief has been found!



Right at the heart of the apostasy of the Assemblies of God in UK, before its National Ministry Centre and College that has a logo of the Cross of Baal.


Here intercession takes place through Brian Mason, uncovering the higher criticism that has crept in, one of it former Principals David Petts even referring to part of scripture as "asides".


The heresy goes further from this once great institution even to the questioning of Christ's Atonement.


Now, the corruption is exposed in intercession, we can look forward to a return to that which Smith Wigglesworth believed from than University higher critics.



Now seemingly under Manchester University, infamous College of Higher Criticism brought in under Professor Peake whose doctrines have destroyed Methodist movements in the past and are in danger of destroying what was once a great Wesleyan Holiness College.


This heart felt intercession through Brian Mason addresses the concerns, of removing the apostasy and restoring this College to be Methodist again.


Bring back the trekkers like Leonard Ravenhill, Jack Ford and Maynard James pictured!



With the counterfeit Luciferian false church, commonly known as the Emerging Church zooming in on the Swansea area, a timely intercession through Brian Mason against the practice of grave soaking.


This is embraced by Bill Johnson and the emergents from Bethel California, linked to Cornerstone Singapore who have poured money into past places of revival including the refurbishment at what once was the Bible College of Wales.


In amongst their strange practices is grave soaking seemingly to soak up the anointing from the bones of past revivalists. However as Rees Howells pointed out in Africa, he could not transfer the Welsh Revival to them, it had to begin in their hearts and it is over this intercession has taken place at the grave of the Rees Howells.



2 Corinthians 10:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV) 7 Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ’s, even so are we Christ’s.


The Charismatic "Emerging Church" movement is causing great concerns to those embracing orthodox Christianity in the Swansea Area. One such concern is Pisgah Chapel, near the home of Evan Roberts and at one time a seat of his ministry.


Today it is has been taken over by those who have embraced the ethos of the Emerging Church, the Word denying, grave soaking, experiential led followers of international ideals of those of the "god of this world." Intercession is breaking this pattern.


Like the Bible College of Wales building this Chapel has been beautifully done up on the outside but has become a hornets nest of devils on the in! However as led of the Holy Ghost, Rees Howells trained Brian Mason along with David P Griffiths - of Rees Howells heritage have both stood in agreement outside the Chapel that again it can be a place of those who intercede for brokenness revival rather than manifest the strange movement of spiritually affect charismatics of rather strange and weird body movements.


It is time to return to the fundamental tenets of the faith!

As the Lord  Jesus leads 

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